Listen to "Icke Vs Jones - Prophets, Popularity, Prima Donnas, Praise And Profits" on Spreaker. Prophets, Popularity, Prima Donnas, Praise and Profits Written by Neil Sanders Produced By Brent Lee For Some Dare Call It Conspiracy When I was informed that the two titans of tall tales, Alex Jones and David Icke were to meet and debate, I was immediately reminded of the scintillating back and forth between Gore Vidal and William Buckley – in as much as I wished I was watching that instead. Actually it gave rather a few insights into the egos, the need for attention, the hypocrisies, the lies and the lack of principles found in the conspiracy crowd. Recently David has discovered a new, if petulant, way of getting attention. He slags off his rivals and former colleagues. He is particularly angered that people seem to have taken a shine to the pouting, spoiled, faux intellectual, man-child Elon Musk. Icke doesn't like him for...reasons, mostly to be contrary to the Alt-righ...